electrical contractor

Start an Electrical Contracting Company Using These Tips

Ezra Cabrera | February 28, 2019

If you’re an electrician and you’re tired of moving from one company to the next for jobs, it’s reasonable to plan on being an electrical contractor and begin formulating on how to start an electrical business. And you’ll be happy to know that there’s a lot of potential in the market right now. But, there’s also a lot of competition. That is why it’s crucial to have a clear and precise business strategy on how to open an electrical company before you open your company’s doors. As an electrician who wants a change, you’re probably wondering “how to start my own electrical business?”
Starting an electrical business is not easy. Early on, you must remember that there is no shortcut to success in starting an electrician business. However, that shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dream. If it helps, many successful electrical contracting businesses have been to where you are now, and within a few years, they got through the industry.
So, what does that entail? How did others do it? Here are a few tips –

1. Training and Certification

It’s one thing to be handy with appliances. But, when it comes to planning on how to start an electrical company, you will need to obtain the appropriate training and certification from a trade school or apprenticeship. Lack of proper training not only makes it harder for you to secure and obtain customers, but it puts your safety and your plan on how to start an electrical business at risk.
Moreover, if you’re planning on taking on more employees, you have to make sure that they’re trained, as well.

2. Determine Your Rates

Determining your prices is probably one of the most difficult steps you have to do in starting an electrical business. Since there’s a lot of competition in the industry, you have to make sure to set your prices at a competitive rate. This means, determining the one that’s not way under the standard price but also making sure that you’re not overcharging. The rates will also depend on the level of experience: apprentice, journeyman, or master.
In general, electrical companies usually charge an initial diagnostic fee. This refers to the service call fee, much like the fee you pay when you visit your doctor. Established companies, however, may waive the fees. You can charge a per hour rate or by session.

3. Capital, Capital, Capital

As with any type of business, you need working capital for starting an electrical company. Even if you’re an independent electrician, you’ll need to invest in vehicles and equipment, which can be expensive. New business owners usually have two options: fund their business out of pocket, or take out a loan from banks, investors, partners, and/or other lenders. Before starting an electrician company, you should have a solid plan in place and know how much money you will need to get things off the ground. Aside from that, you should also plan on how you will obtain it to be able to plan on starting an electrician business.

Related: Top 10 Financing Choices to Raise Capital for Your Startup

4. Find Your Niche

Traditional power and lighting projects are the most common business ventures for a majority of electrical contractors. According to the Profile of the Electrical Contractor, contractors are increasingly tapping into other niche areas of the industry like green energy, communication systems, and home or industrial automation, to gain a competitive edge. New business owners planning on how to start an electrical company should explore specialty services they can offer. It will help them stand apart from other local competitors.

5. Create a Comprehensive Business Plan

A clear-cut business plan on how to start an electrical contracting business gives your company a purpose, structure, and strategy. Think of it as a blueprint regarding how you will get your company off the ground. It should outline all essential details, including marketing strategies, financing, financial progressions, growth opportunities as well as long and short-term goals. While this can be daunting to some, it’s critical for the success of starting an electrical company. If you don’t know where to begin, you can consider hiring a business consultant to help you go through the process.

6. Have Your Finger on the Pulse of Industry Trends

Investing in the latest technology is the key to staying competitive in the market. Ideally, you want to do some research and educate yourself on the current trends and decide what equipment you need. Once you determine this, you can then create a solid financial plan. That should also include the purchasing of technology your company needs to operate efficiently.

Related: 5 Technology Trends that Will Revolutionize Small Businesses

Apply for an Electrical Contractor Business Loan

Starting an electrician company requires blood, sweat, tears, and money. If you want to proceed on how to start an electrical contracting business but don’t have enough funds, you can apply for an electrical contractor business loan. But even with that, you have to make sure that your strategies are well-planned and you have a solid support system. Otherwise, you’ll only be setting your business up for failure. Be sure to learn to start an electrician business and what it entails on how to open an electrical company. These are the tips that will surely answer all your dubious thought such as “how to start my own electrical business?”.

About the Author

Ezra Neiel Cabrera has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Entrepreneurial Marketing. Over the last 3 years, she has been writing business-centric articles to help small business owners grow and expand. Ezra mainly writes for SMB Compass, but you can find some of her work in All Business, Small Biz Daily, LaunchHouse, Marketing2Business, and Clutch, among others. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her in bed eating cookies and binge-watching Netflix.