The Ultimate Human Resource Management Guide for Small Businesses
Ezra Cabrera | January 22, 2022
Some small business owners may believe the job of a human resource (HR) specialist is just to hire and fire employees, but that’s only a piece of what they do.
Yes, human resource management maintains systematized hiring and termination processes, but it’s also imperative to ensure sound employer-employee relationships and provide employee benefits and training. HR is not simply a good-to-have function within a company, it’s an important entity that even the leanest companies require to foster a positive work culture.
So, what is human resource management anyway, and why should small businesses streamline its function throughout their business?
Part I: Small Business Guide to Setting up Successful Human Resource software for small business
What is Human Resource Management?
Harvard Business Review defines HR management as the effective use of human resource software for small business in an organization through initiatives that are centered on its people being the most important asset. It involves key components such as values, leadership, performance evaluations, talent acquisition and compensation, and regulatory compliance.
Since employees are critical to the very foundation of any business, managing them can be very effective in driving long-term value to the business. Employee morale, commitment, and performance are essential priorities that can be boosted when there is strategic human resource management in place.
Why is Human Resources for small business important?
Small companies that have deprioritized human resource management may put the company’s growth at stake. Here are the reasons why HR is vital to any business:
1. Low turnover rate
So many businesses have floundered due to an increasing employee turnover rate. According to the Work Institute 2020 Retention Report, voluntary turnover has continued in “intensity and seriousness,” with 42 million U.S. workers deciding that there are better opportunities for them outside of the jobs they currently have.
It was projected that if this trend persists, one in three workers will quit their jobs by 2023. The loss of a strong employee who will do the job well is not the only problem. So is the turnover cost.
When employees leave a company, they usually need to be replaced as soon as possible. This not only disrupts productivity among the immediate team, department, or entire company (depending on the size), but it is time-consuming and costly. Replacing an employee requires recruitment efforts, interviewing, hiring, and training the new staff member. During this process, which can be lengthy, the open position remains unfilled, meaning less work is getting done.
2. High business performance
Many human resources for small business may not have room in their budget for outside training – be it for new employees, or providing continued education opportunities for existing ones. HR specialists can provide training internally, including cross-training so staff are able to perform more than one function.
3. Increased employee productivity
The HR department can create programs that will boost employee productivity and efficiency. They may develop and implement reward-based employee campaigns to incentivize staff to work harder. If employees feel motivated to do their jobs, the business will certainly reap the rewards.
4. High customer satisfaction
Some businesses may not realize how human resource management directly affects customer satisfaction. When employees are happy at work, and passionate about what they’re doing, it translates to how they communicate with customers. It’s the job of the HR personnel to foster and implement a company’s culture; to keep staff engaged with their jobs and enhance their work experience so they can, in turn, extend that positive experience to the customers and clients.
5. Prevent potential lawsuits
Small business owners have enough on their plate, they don’t need to become legal experts on top of it all. It’s part of an HR executives’ role to know the ins and outs of employment law at their state and federal levels. This is so they are able to make sure the company complies with those laws. This way they can proactively protect the company, and it’s employees, from wrongdoing that could result in legal action.
Let’s say there is a mishandling of employee concerns related to compensation, benefits, workplace fairness, and discrimination that leaves the company vulnerable to a lawsuit. HR would be responsible for notifying and consulting with the company’s in-house legal team, or an outside lawyer if the company does not have a legal counsel on staff.
Part II: Human Resource Documents for small business
Human resource management requires the management of a multitude of important employee of human resource documents for small business. Here is a breakdown of the various forms and employee-related information HR must oversee and maintain:
1. I-9 file
Employers are required to fill out the Employment Eligibility Verification form, commonly known as Form I-9. This file proves the eligibility of the employee to work in the United States. Regardless of citizenship, the I-9 shows the immigration status of the recently hired employee.
Employers no longer need to submit the I-9 to any government body, but this form does need to be kept safe for three years after the date of hire. For proper safekeeping, All I-9 files need to be separated from the employee’s personal records and can only be accessed by select authorized managers.
Some of the accompanying documents for the I-9 are the employee’s U.S. passport or a foreign passport with temporary work authorization, a permanent resident card, alien registration receipt card, and other employment authorization documents. Employees can also show other proof of identities, such as government-issued driver’s license, school IDs, or voter’s registration card to prove that they can legally work in the U.S.
Important links:
Employment Eligibility Verification form
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)
Employers Handbook M-274 for Completing Form I-9
2. Employee General File
An employee file will serve as a record of his or her tenure. This folder contains all the documents related to the employee, from his or her application cover letter and resume to any promotion acceptance letters and resignation letters. Human resources have the primary responsibility to safe keep and properly dispose of employees’ personal records.
Here’s a list of what human resource managers need to keep in every employee’s general file:
- Application forms
- Resume, cover letter, and letters of recommendation
- Employment contract
- Past employment documents, such as a certificate of employment
- Offer letter
- Education and training records
- Emergency contacts
- Payroll and benefits information
- Absentee or tardiness records
- Performance appraisal documents
- Resignation letter and exit interview files
3. Employee Medical File
Medical files contain sensitive information about an employee’s health, health benefits, and disorder information. They should be kept separately from the I-9 and employee general files. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) covers the storage of medical records.
Here’s a rundown of the items that must be included in every employee’s medical file:
- Beneficiary information
- Health and life insurance application forms and certificates
- Request for personnel leaves, whether paid or unpaid
- Forms related to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Physician’s recommendations, diagnosis or other notes during the employee’s tenure
- Doctor’s medicine prescriptions
- Documentation of medically-related leaves, including emergency care for family members
- Accident and injury reports
Compliance / Employee Handbook
Some industries won’t require employees to sign non-disclosure agreements unless the nature of the business involves the customer’s deposit accounts, trade secrets, product formulation, or confidential partnerships. HR professionals need to make sure they equip the business with NDNA if employees will be exposed to sensitive information about its customers, partners, suppliers, and products or services.
2. Anti-Discrimination Policies
The U.S. is very stringent when it comes to anti-discrimination policies involving gender, race, religious and political beliefs, compensation, national origin, age, and disability. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has put in place several laws that protect employees from discrimination. These include, but are not limited to: the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Equal Pay Act, and Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
HR professionals must make sure the business prioritizes the overall welfare of its employees and comply with the laws that protect their rights to working in a non-discriminatory environment.
3. Safety and Security
Employees want to feel safe in their place of work, and it’s important for them to have all the company’s safety measures and precautions on paper. HR professionals are responsible for implementing these measures that promote the employee’s physical and emotional safety, as well as security in the workplace. This includes plans for disaster relief and other emergency situations like a fire or armed robbery.
Employee security doesn’t stop at physical locks and surveillance. It also includes cybersecurity protocols and cloud management.
4. Compensation and Benefits
When a new employee is hired, HR needs for small businesses must walk him or her through the the benefits the company will be offering on top of the monthly or annual salary that employee will be receiving. It’s important that HR needs for small businesses are professionals and knowledgeable of the benefits required by law, and to ensure that the company is meeting those requirements. If the company provides any additional benefits or “perks” like free lunch or a transportation allowance, HR would inform new hires of this information as well.
The Small Business Administration has identified these required employee benefits:
- Social Security taxes
- Workers’ compensation
- Disability insurance
- Leave benefits
- Unemployment insurance
HR professionals will also need to inform employees of how they will be able to receive their monthly paycheck, benefits, and leaves.
5. Work Schedules, Vacation, and Leave
It’s important for HR to outline a company’s policies related to absences, tardiness, work schedules, and leave schedules. This includes disclosing the management’s expectations toward the employees with regards to work hours. This should also include any possible repercussions or sanctions that employees may face should they fail to comply with the rules set in place by human resource management.
6. Standard of Conduct
The code of conduct does not only include the employee’s behavior in the workplace. It also includes proper dress code, use of office equipment, respect towards colleagues and managers, and environmental care. It should also disclose the company’s take on money laundering, misuse of confidential company records, the safeguard of company assets, and avoidance of conflicts of interest.
HR needs to make sure that employees see the standard of conduct in writing so they will be guided on how to best perform their job without affecting the business’ operations and reputation. This document will ensure that every member of the organization will be able to uphold the integrity of their actions even as they leave the office.
7. General Employment Information
Hr management small business is free to come up with a company’s unique policies, on top of the state and federal law requirements. It is their role to define the company’s procedures on promotions, termination, work ethics, subordination, proper attire, and so on.
It’s the responsibility of HR management small business to ensure that new employees read, acknowledge, and sign all of these documents before they start work in their new role. Each employee should receive his or her own copy of the employee handbook so they can easily refer to it as needed.
Part III: Recruitment and Hiring
The success of a company is directly correlated to the quality of its employees. It’s the role of HR management to develop and implement a talent acquisition process to find and hire the right employees for the right job. Employers, in conjunction with smb HR software, need to identify what skills are required for each role, what tools they will use to find the best candidates, and what the budget looks like that they will allocate for the role.
Here are tips for recruiting and hiring the best talent for small businesses:
1. Market the company’s branding
Branding the organization means marketing the company to potential candidates and recruiters. Sometimes employees aren’t necessarily looking to leave their current job, but happened to see a job opening at a company that offers more benefits and a more desirable office culture.
Employer branding is everything. It serves as a magnet for attracting quality prospects, hoping they will submit their application for open positions and want to be a part of your growing organization.
To do this effectively, human resource personnel should highlight the strengths of the company such as unique benefits that applicants won’t find elsewhere, competitive salaries, flexible work schedules, and the like.
Smb HR software may also highlight the company’s career development plans for its employees, as well as its corporate social responsibility (CSR).
2. Advertise the job
Just like in any marketing campaign, businesses need to advertise the job like they would a product or service. Consider the job ad a product: companies target the right audiences (candidates) and hope to get their information (resume) so they can close the deal (hire).
HR can post the job ad on platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed, as well as any of the company’s social media platforms. The company may also host networking events for recent graduates who are eager to find work. HR could also create a referral program where current employees are incentivized to find and bring in qualified candidates for an open role.
3. List the skills necessary for the job
Creating a job ad allows small businesses to cast a wider net so they can hopefully receive more applications to choose from. To ensure that the company is receiving applications from qualified individuals, it’s important that the ad clearly lists the skills and experiences required to fulfill the position.
Highlighting the necessary skills and work experience on the job ad will benefit both the employer and the job seeker. The former will be able to vet candidates who are qualified to do the job. This will help to streamline the interview process as HR will only set up interviews with the most qualified candidates.
On the other hand, the latter will be able to gauge whether or not the job is something he or she can do. Being specific with the skill requirement will also manage the applicants’ expectations if they are hired for the role.
4. Streamline the interview process
Just as the candidate prepares for the interview, so should HR. HR management should create a streamlined interview process that’s simple to implement and time-efficient for all parties involved. This includes reviewing the resume at hand, preparing specific interview questions, and making sure all interviewers are briefed on the candidate – likely an HR personnel and the manager who will oversee the new hire.
5. Analyze the recruitment results
All of these previous steps should ensure that the company is meeting with the most qualified candidates. It is the role of HR professionals to manage this entire process, including monitoring a new hires’ performance, especially during the first three months. As with most things in business, hiring is a trial and error process and it’s HR’s responsibility to make any necessary amendments to improve hiring results as they may see fit.
Part IV: Payroll and Benefits
Payroll is the total amount of salary, wages, bonuses, and monetary benefits that an employee should receive at the prescribed schedule. It’s one of the most expensive cuts in the company’s budget because of the salaries given to employees in exchange for their service and expertise.
Without full disclosure of what is due to employees, businesses may face legal battles. The U.S. Department of Labor has enumerated the laws related to employee compensation and benefits.
Here’s everything small business human resources guide management needs to know about keeping a precise payroll record.
Payroll software
As a company grows and expands its staff, HR and accounting teams will need to adopt software to calculate and process employee compensation, tax forms, and benefits. This will centralize payroll processes in one platform, allowing human resource management to save time and focus on more important tasks.
Payroll software ensures the accuracy of data and minimizes human error. Some of the well-known payroll solutions include UltiPro, Gusto, Zenefits, QuickBooks Payroll, Oracle PeopleSoft HCM, Kronos Workforce Ready, and TriNet.
There are also benefits from using online payroll generators. These generators can be useful if you want to make pay stubs online, voided checks, employment verification letters, etc.
Types of benefits
The benefits that companies offer their employees vary. Here’s a list of benefits that small business owners and their human resource management may choose from.
1. Social Security Tax
People will retire. That’s basic human nature. As workers retire from their day jobs, they get to reap the rewards of their hard work.
The taxes that employees pay on social security benefit: people who have already retired, people with disabilities, survivors of workers who have died, and dependents of beneficiaries.
The benefit payment that retired workers will receive at the age of 62 is based on the amount they earned during the height of their careers. The benefit amount may be lower if the beneficiary was unemployed for quite some time, compared to if they worked steadily.
2. Workers’ Compensation
The employee’s compensation covers medical, disability, rehabilitation, and death benefits. The benefit amount may differ from state to state but is consistent throughout the country.
The medical benefit to employees also varies and may include pharmacy discounts, immediate access to a dedicated healthcare provider, and medical care management for injured employees who need further treatment.
3. Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment benefits are paid out by state governments, funded by payroll taxes. It is given to employees who lost their jobs due to company bankruptcy or any other issue. It is not granted to employees who resign voluntarily or have been fired.
4. COBRA Insurance
COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act), is a health insurance coverage that allows employees and their qualified beneficiaries continued access to medical care after the employee loses his or her job or if his or her work hours have been reduced.
Note: employers with more than 20 employees working full-time are mandated to offer COBRA to its employees.
5. Family and Medical Leave
The Family and Medical Leave Act entitles employees to take unpaid leaves for medical reasons related to their families, with the continuation of health insurance coverage. Employees are granted 12 work weeks of leave within a year for reasons such as childbirth; child adoption; care for a spouse, parent, child, or close relative who is medically ill; and any exigencies provided that the parent, spouse, child, or relative is a covered military member.
6. Health Insurance
Businesses with less than 50 employees are no longer required to offer health insurance benefits to their employees, under the Affordable Care Act. However, they can choose to include health insurance as an add-on benefit on top of the compensation, provided that they comply with state and federal laws or pay penalties.
Healthcare tax credits are being offered by the government to small businesses, to help them offset the costs. To qualify for a maximum of 50% tax credits, business owners should cover half of their employees’ healthcare premiums, provided that 25 or fewer full-time employees earn an average of $50,000 annual salary.
Important link:
Affordable Care Act Provisions for Employers
7. Dental and Vision Insurance
The oral and visual health of employees are often excluded from conventional health insurance programs. But they are no less important than other forms of care. Small business owners can opt to offer dental and vision insurance coverages to help employees save on costs for teeth repair or eyesight correction.
8. Retirement Plans
There’s a variety of retirement plan options on top of 401(k)s. In addition to providing retirement benefits to employees, small business owners can also enjoy reduced tax returns through the SECURE Act of 2019
Employees who qualify for retirement benefit will also see a significant reduction in their yearly income tax. A separate retirement plan on top of the 401(k) will also be a deciding factor for employees to keep their jobs for good, or until they reach their retirement age.
9. Wellness Programs
Workplace wellness programs are often implemented by huge corporations, but that doesn’t mean that small businesses can create unique benefits for their employees, too. While maintaining healthy habits can take considerable effort, some organizations allot a special budget to promote a healthier lifestyle in the workplace.
Here are some wellness programs the HR department can consider:
- Fitness centers within the office, or exclusive discounts in known fitness centers near the workplace
- Public transit incentives
- Free group classes such as yoga, Zumba, or kickboxing
- Free, nutritious lunches and snacks
- In-house nap rooms
10. Commuter Benefits
Getting to and from the office can be costly, both in terms of money and time. Depending on the state, average workers in the U.S.spend between $2,000 and $5,000 annually on transportation. For most employees, having commuter costs covered would allow them to spend their money on more essential items like groceries and medicine.
11. Paid Time Off
Taking time to recuperate is vital for employees and employers alike. A 2016survey published on the Harvard Business Review indicated that 94% of planned vacations yielded a good ROI in terms of the employee’s energy and outlook as he or she returned to work.
Paid time off is not only for planned vacations. Employees can also use it for personal reasons like home repairs or emergency situations.
12. Paid Holidays
Some employers also offer additional paid time off for holidays which is separate from the allotted amount of paid vacation days employees are allowed. This benefit is dedicated to designated holiday periods, i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, etc. HR is in charge of deciding all holiday closures and the amount of time the company will close for.
13. Work From Home Offering
Many workers prefer to work for companies that offer some sort of flexibility on their work schedule. In fact, 80% of workers consider lack of workplace flexibility as a deal-breaker. Highlighting flexible schedules, including the option to work from home, as an added company benefit may help entice better talent to apply for job openings.
14. 401(k) Plans
Business owners – regardless of company size – should offer 401(k) plans to their employees to put towards their retirement. Historically, this benefit is offered to large organizations because of its hefty price tag. Now, 401(k) has become more affordable and is packed with more benefits that employers will enjoy.
Some of the benefits include customization of the plan and lower administration costs. Smaller companies with 10 employees only need to pay up to $1,000 annually on admin costs, with tax credits up to $500 for the first three years of the plan.
The 401(k) plan is a crucial benefit especially for top talent who want financial security. In fact,52% of small business owners have seen how offering retirement benefits attracts the best employees to their teams.
15. Employee Discounts
Offering company employees a discount on the company’s products or services is a nice way to thank employees for the hard work they do. This is beneficial to the employees as they are able to purchase items at a lesser cost, but it’s also a win for the company as employees may become loyal customers.
16. Employee Assistance Programs
There may come a time when an employee needs help resolving personal issues that are not work-related, but may be affecting their work performance. These could be financial, emotional, mental, or family-related problems.
The Society for Human Resource Management defined Employee Assistance Programs as a work-based intervention program that will aim to address an employee’s challenges in terms of:
- Stress and financial management
- Grief counseling
- Drug and alcohol abuse
- Crisis management
- Psychological needs
When small businesses offer EAP, they assure employees that their holistic wellness is important and valued. Employees are a company’s greatest asset and it’s crucial that employers and HR management works to prioritize their health and wellness at all times.
17. Low-value Perks like Free Coffee
Who doesn’t love coffee? Signature coffee has become a daily need for workers, and it wouldn’t hurt to keep it flowing in the office. Having coffee at work boosts employees’ energy levels, and may even reduce their risk for cardiovascular diseases.
Part V: Onboarding
The Society for Human Resource Management revealed in a report that 1 in 25 employees quit their job before they even started working because of a bad onboarding experience.
To keep this from happening, human resource management in small businesses should craft a strategic onboarding process to maintain brand reputation and be able to hire candidates who are perfect for the role.
Here are 5 ways to improve a business’ onboarding process:
1. Make sure the team is ready for a new hire
Adding new people to the team may require a few adjustments. It’s important to prepare the team when changes are going to be implemented. Send out announcements via e-mail, or set a quick meeting to formally inform the team about the new employee’s role.
2. Prepare the new hire’s workstation, e-mail, and software access
Make every new hire feel welcome by setting up their dedicated space in the office ahead of time. Prepare the hardware and software tools they’ll need to get started so they can hit the ground running.
3. Orient the new hire on company policies a few days before work officially starts
It’s important to sit down with each new hire to discuss company guidelines, the company’s code of ethics, and what their roles and responsibilities are going to look like as they transition into their new position. Detail the company’s culture, and politely answer any initial questions they may have before they start so they feel prepared on day one.
4. Introduce the new hire to their team members
Set up a meeting for the team to meet and welcome their newest member. Doing this helps to break the ice so everyone can start working together seamlessly.
5. Get feedback on the onboarding process
Ask the new hire what he or she felt about the onboarding process. This can be done in either an entrance interview or via a survey. Gaining these insights can help HR to make any needed improvements to the overall onboarding process.
Here’s a quick checklist of what human resources need to prepare on the new hire’s first day:
- Employee’s contract
- Company handbook
- Welcome letter from the CEO or HR manager
- Employee ID
- Employee’s work station, laptop, and other tools essential for work
- Business cards
- All other paperwork from human resources management
Part VI: Performance, Development, and Maintenance
Human resource management doesn’t end when an employee has been hired. It also includes monitoring all employees’ performances and ongoing development.
Here are ways HR can monitor the performance and development of employees:
1. Oversee the growth and development of employees
Employees who receive training for their roles are typically able to bring more value to the company. Investments in employee development allow staff to learn modern techniques on how to effectively perform their job and help the company stay ahead of the competition. Depending on a company’s budget, HR can look into outside training and education opportunities for employees, or create and develop its own internal opportunities.
2. Conduct performance reviews
Performance reviews serve two main functions: showing managers who the top-performing employees are, and identifying which employees need more attention or guidance.
Employers should acknowledge their top performers, possibly rewarding them or setting new goals for them to strive towards. For those employees falling a bit short in their reviews, HR needs to evaluate if their struggles are something that can be amended with additional training or attention from management, or if they aren’t the right fit and need to be let go.
3. Resolve workplace disputes
If there are conflicts related to work or misunderstandings that occur in the workplace, HR is given the prerogative to intervene. All issues must be cascaded to HR to resolve them immediately through a systematized course of action.
4. Handle discipline and termination
If an employee has been found insubordinate – if he or she has done anything to put his or her colleagues in danger, or has violated the company’s code of ethics in any way – HR will need to evaluate what disciplinary actions need to take place, or if that individual needs to be terminated from the company.
HR has to terminate the contracts of non-performing employees, as well as those who have committed a crime during their tenure.
5. Communicate updates
Regular updates such as bonuses, new management, company acquisition, the new government mandates, or town hall meetings need to be cascaded by HR. Failure to communicate regular updates could cause misunderstanding within the organization.
6. Incorporate fun
Many of the best companies aim to balance work with fun. Human resource management is responsible for implementing a company’s culture, which includes social events and unique company features and offerings.
Hosting monthly work happy hours, or planning parties for things like company anniversaries and holidays all fall under the purview of HR management. Maybe the company offers wine or beer on tap in the common area, or has a game room where employees can take a fun break. The more creative an HR team can get, the better.
7. Foster a safe and healthy work environment
Employees want to feel safe in the office. Most people wouldn’t be able to perform well if they believed their workplace was hazardous in any way or would somehow put their life as risk.
HR resources for small business needs to create a work environment that’s equally conducive to productivity and safety. This could range from installing security cameras to creating specific safety protocols in the event of a natural disasters.
8. Promote wellness services
Employees can certainly take actions to mitigate their own feelings of depression, anxiety, tension, and stress, but what if their company supported that cause as well? HR can create wellness programs that allow employees to pause and take a breather every once and a while. Perhaps these are free workout classes, meditation sessions, or psychological consultations.
Part VII: Implementation
There are various ways small businesses can implement human resources. They can hire an in-house team, outsource the job to experts in the field, or get HR software that will help supplement the work of either.
1. In-house HR
Larger organizations will benefit most from having an in-house human resource team, but it doesn’t mean that their small counterparts won’t benefit equally as much.
A company with its own HR department can rest assured knowing all of its internal processes are not only being managed, but also prioritized. An in-house team is working in the office with the rest of the staff so they’ll be able to really get to know every employee on a deeper level and can be more involved in daily operations as well as company culture.
Also, in-house HR resources for small business does its best to comply with laws and regulations that the small business needs to abide by. They know the ins and outs of the company, its values, culture, and people.
2. Professional Employer Organizations
Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) are companies that offer employee management services like benefits management, payroll, recruitment, and crisis management. They also assist small businesses in complying with state and federal laws, or in getting insurance for their employees.
This is how it works: PEOs share employment responsibilities with the small business. The PEO does the job of reporting wages or taxes, as well as providing benefits. On the other hand, the employer has full authority over the employee in terms of work.
3. HR Software for Small Businesses
If there’s existing human resource management in the small business, arming them with modern HR software or cloud-based applications can make their job easier, faster, and more convenient.
Some of the applications the human resource management can look into are TribeHR, EffortlessHR, WhenIWork, Oracle Cloud HCM, Ceridian Dayforce, and Kronos Workforce Ready.
These applications are meant to assist HR personnel in finishing repetitive jobs that take hours to complete when they do it manually. With these online tools, HR can track its employees’ work schedules, monitor absentees and tardiness, store applicant and employee files, and build an employee portal.
Now’s the time to Setup Your Company’s HR
Small business human resources guide owners already have a lot on their plates. Investing in human resource management will allow a single person or entity to focus on the company’s most important asset: its employees. After all, investing in the success of employees mean investing in the success of the business.
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